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Reverse graffiti as a guerrilla marketing campaign

If you are ever busy with the high-pressure sprayer, you know the principle. You can just leave a pattern or your name on that wall or sidewalk by strategically removing dirt and algae. Voilà, that is the basis for reverse graffiti, sometimes also referred to as clean or green graffiti.

Reverse graffiti emerged as an art form years ago and is now used worldwide as an environmentally friendly form of guerrilla marketing.

What is reverse graffiti?

Reverse graffiti is 'reverse' graffiti. Instead of 'daubing' something with aerosols, clean something that is dirty. If you do this with a text or graphic template in combination with a professional pressure washer and heated water, you will clean the surface under the cut parts of the mold, while keeping the covered part dirty.

This creates an environmentally friendly message that remains visible in public space for a number of weeks. For these reasons we also call reverse graffiti green graffiti or clean graffiti.

The benefits of reverse graffiti are clear:

  • The 'graffiti' is temporary, the advertising message does not have to be removed.
  • It is a sustainable solution that is safe for humans, animals and the environment.
  • Reverse graffiti has a 'positive' and nature-friendly image.
  • You can be visible in places where this is not possible with regular advertising.
Reverse graffiti advertisement for Center Parcs

Reverse graffiti advertisement for Center Parcs

Applications of reverse and green graffiti

Reverse graffiti is at its best when applied to a street or sidewalk and, exceptionally, to a wall. That is why it is ideally suited to indicate a route, to mark a bicycle shed or to promote local entrepreneurs. Just to name a few. Successful applications include:

  • A store indicating that they have moved with a logo and footsteps to the new location.
  • Advertising of a new film in the vicinity of a cinema.
  • Subtle advertising in busy places such as at crossings, ATMs or entertainment venues.
  • Advertising for new products, services or events in city centers.
  • Placing an advertisement close, but at an appropriate distance, from a competitor
  • A call on the doorstep to leave no waste behind.

With reverse graffiti, no colors can be used: the advertisement is given the color of the clean surface. Small details can also be lost. When reverse graffiti cannot be used, it is temporary chalk graffiti possibly a solution.

It is important to use a large and clear font and simple graphics for the mold. Reverse graffiti is also only available on a limited number of surfaces. We can of course assist you Graffitinetwerk help you achieve the best results with your reverse graffiti advertising campaign.

On the page with information about reverse graffiti you will find extensive information and more examples of projects we have carried out as well as the customers we work for and with.

Can this form of guerrilla marketing be used everywhere?

Reverse graffiti came up as art form in Brazil. The idea was that no one could be offended if you clean a surface in a few specific places.

In terms of legislation, you end up with this form of guerrilla marketing soon in a gray area. Because even if you do not daub anything with this form of graffiti, you often add an advertisement to public space. And for this it is in some cases necessary to apply for a permit or permission.

At Graffitinetwerk we have a lot of experience in conducting reverse graffiti campaigns at home and abroad and we can advise you well on the need to apply for a permit or not.

Chalk expressions used in awareness campaign

Chalk expressions used as an awareness campaign

Chalk graffiti: another temporary form of street advertising

Besides reverse graffiti, there are also other forms of it temporary graffiti. We mainly think of chalk graffiti. Chalk graffiti is an environmentally friendly form of outdoor advertising that also works with templates. Instead of spraying a part clean, we cover the cut part of the mold with chalk.

The result is very similar to that of classic graffiti, but no paint is used. Depending on the weather, chalk graffiti will also wear off the street in some time. Depending on the chosen variant, the chalk can remain visible for days, weeks, months and even years.

The advantages of chalk advertising at a glance:

  • Environmentally friendly form of outdoor advertising.
  • Can be applied in places where traditional advertising is not possible.
  • Wears away from the street in public space.
  • It catches the eye because it is possible to work with a striking color.
  • Different lifetimes possible, varying from days to even years.

Color your message with temporary chalk

With our temporary chalk expressions you can apply your message on more surfaces than with reverse graffiti. You can also choose from several striking colors. Most chalk advertising campaigns are carried out with white spray chalk because the color white is not screamy and gives a clear effect on almost all surfaces.

In addition to white, you can also choose from black, yellow, orange, red, green, blue, pink or purple. You must choose from one color, because it is not possible to apply multiple colors on top of each other.

Applications of chalk as outdoor advertising

Because green graffiti, sometimes also clean graffiti called, it stands out, lends itself well to messages that should warn people. Changes to the route, requests not to leave a mess or a warning that cyclists should dismount.

Sometimes chalk graffiti catches the eye too much, and that leads to complaints from competitors or local residents. We can also help you with this Graffitinetwerk excellent advice on what works and what doesn't. Just like in the area of ​​permit applications or guerrilla campaigns.

View several recent applications of chalk graffiti and more information about the possibilities on our page with information about chalk advertising.

Examples of reverse graffiti and chalk expressions

Some photos to give an idea of ​​the possibilities. View our extensive portfolio for more examples of what we do street advertising campaigns.

Want to know more about environmentally friendly street advertising?

Do you have an idea or a question about reverse graffiti, temporary chalk expressions or any other form of street advertising? Let us know, we are happy to discuss the possibilities without obligation.

Due to the wide variation in prices, we advise you to request advice or a price calculation without obligation via our contact page. Contact us now and receive a response today.

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